§ Basically
Beardtopia is all about Denton, TX - the people and their art, music, food, writings, businesses, hobbies, histories, stories, events, and...
I am still sorting through all of the NX35 footage to share (in my free time, which is thin lately – unlike my beard, which could use a trim perhaps). I have audio and video from: Autumn Owls The Lonesome Heroes Ola Podrida Sleep Whale Doug Burr The POLYCORNS And the Drink & Think Soon!
[singlepic id=157 w=575 float=none] [podcast]http://www.beardtopia.com/music-mp3/via-audio-nx35.mp3[/podcast] ::Download::
[singlepic id=153 w=575 float=none] [podcast]http://www.beardtopia.com/music-mp3/the-middle-east-nx35.mp3[/podcast] ::Download::