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Beardtopia On Twitter 2011-02-28

I uploaded a YouTube video — Sleep Whale @ NX35 2010 – Cotton Curls # I uploaded a YouTube video — The Polycorns @ NX35 2010 # I uploaded a YouTube video — The Lonesome Heroes @ NX35 2010 / J&Js # Just posted some NX35 2010 videos of @sleepwhale @lonesomeheroes and […]

Beardtopia On Twitter 2011-02-21

Get yourself to The Hydrant Cafe and enjoy a Bookish Coffee beverage. Do it now (or later)! # Denton: Night night, don't let the beard-bugs bite. #

Beardtopia On Twitter 2011-02-07

“@beardedbros: Adventure Naturals is now Bearded Brothers, back us on Kickstarter:” / We approve this name! #